Stop Talking to Me How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Pivot Your Thoughts from Negativity to Positivity in Four Simple Steps.【電子書籍】[ Lynn Zettler ]

Stop Talking to Me How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Pivot Your Thoughts from Negativity to Positivity in Four Simple Steps.【電子書籍】[ Lynn Zettler ] Stop Talking to Me How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Pivot Your Thoughts from Negativity to Positivity in Four Simple Steps.【電子書籍】[ Lynn Zettler ] Stop Talking to Me How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Pivot Your Thoughts from Negativity to Positivity in Four Simple Steps.【電子書籍】[ Lynn Zettler ]

<p>Have you ever been aware of your thoughts and noticed how many are negative versus how many are positive? Did you know that if you talk negatively to yourself, you set the tone of failure and disappointment, while talking positively to yourself sets the tone of success and happiness? STOP Talking To Me will teach you how to turn your negative thinking into routine positive thinking, so that you will set the stage for your happiness and success. The simple S-T-O-P process which accompanies each specified emotion, along with the examples and stories will enable you to learn to pivot your thoughts and become that positive minded person youve always admired. Better yet, the book is specifically designed to be small enough to carry with you, so that you will have it handy whenever you find yourself in the realm of negative thinking! IF YOU WANT TO, YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. All you have to do is to take the next step forward.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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